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Thursday, March 25, 2010

photo of the first bug

Actual photo of the first Bug - thanks to Prof. Mehran Sahami of Standford University & Smithsonian.
A short apocryphal story as told by Prof: In 1945, there was a lady by name Grace Murray Hopper ( click here to learn about Adm.Hopper ). She first woman admiral and was stationed at Harvard University.  who was from the Navy, working on Mark II Computer (it was those of Huge Vacum Tubes and relays). One day, they noticed that the Computer was working on fits and starts . So they opened the Computer and actually walked inside the Computer, to find a moth shorted-out between two relays. So she removed the moth and preserved the moth in her log book. The above photo is from the logbook kept at Smithsonian ( Smithsonian photo of first Bug) .

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